
google paid traffic

Detailed Answers about All of our Services

What is expired domain traffic?  How is it different for your Organic and Premium Targeted?

Our real Human Visitor web traffic comes from a verifiable IP (Internet Protocol) address that is time stamped with Date/Time of the visit as well as logging the agent used. You may easily view the these statistics and running logs of these visitors within the account we set up for you using our customized reporting.

What is traffic from an expired domain? When webmasters fail to renew their domain name registration the domain ends up in the aftermarket which means you could pick it up for a bargain. While you still need to pay the usual registration fees and a bit extra to the registrar you can pick up great domains that already rank in the search engines for your chosen keyword.

Expired domain traffic is funneled from sites like these to send you real visitors. You won’t be wasting your money for worthless website traffic that promises you a lot and delivers nothing. So instead of having to purchase the domains yourself and investing your money and your time to keep them ranking well you can get increased web traffic from a qualified company who specializes in this sort of lead generation.

For Organic Web Traffic: 50% of our traffic is from USA/Canada.  The balance comes from the rest of the world.  Almost all will be from English-speaking visitors even though the is a good proportion of the balance from Asian countries.

For our Targeted Traffic – domain names are keyword rich and/or their original websites were niche-specific.  We harvest those and sort the IPs of the visitors so that you can target by Niche and Country.

Do you generate hits using SPAM or other unscrupulous techniques?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. The hits we deliver are legitimate. We never send out mass email or post to newsgroups. The visitors are real users.

What is a visit? Is that the same as a hit?

Visit – these are QUALITY visitors that many services cannot offer (or, they trick you into thinking that they are sending high quality visitors) Many services send visitors who never even see your page! They use various tricks to send the traffic so that it looks like someone saw your site.
A hit is not necessarily a unique visit. Technically, a hit occurs whenever a file is loaded… when you loaded this page, you generated quite a few hits – one for each image you loaded and one for the page itself. In common usage, people are referring to visits when they talk about hits

Do you have any restrictions on the content of my site?

Your site must be legal. And your site should not contain harmful software, such as Virus, trojans, worms. Sorry, but we will not send traffic to sites which promote hate, violence or illegal activities or sites that has viruses or trojans that harm.  If your website is found to have such content, we reserve the right to immediately delete your campaign without refund.  So how do you check?  You can use this online tool: virustotal.com to do a scan.

What is the difference between your Organic and Premium Targeted Traffic?

With targeted traffic the benefits are:
a) better targeting of your traffic
b) allows URLs to redirect, rotate, forward
c) allows pop-ups and exit prompts
d) allows websites to play sound on load
e) you can target by Country, Category, Rate of Visits per Day
f) you can split-test all the perimeters: URL/Country/Category/Rate so long as each campaign has at least 5,000 credits
g) you can change perimeters as often as you like whereas for Organic Web Traffic it costs $2.50 in administrative fees
h) you get the discounts as advertised
i) you get closer technical support for your campaign and more flexibility of terms

Why is our Traffic Delivery Service better than other services?

Most other traffic services send very poor traffic. In fact, if you use their services, most users will NEVER SEE YOUR SITE! This is because most services use tricks to load your page without ever being seen – indeed, they send the same visitor to tens or even hundreds of sites! The worst part is that they never even tell you… your counter moves, but you make no sales! Remember to ALWAYS ask what type of traffic when getting price quotes with other traffic sellers. Always ask if it is ‘IP Unique’, how many hours old (example: 24 hour or 12 hour) and generally, what percentage of the campaign is unique (example: 60%-80% or 100% FULL CAMPAIGN unique like ours!).

What about customer service and support? Are you a real company or do this part time like just about everyone else?

We are a company and this is all we do. Many other sellers are people that do this is a hobby and are not there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your emails. Many others are hosting providers or web designers that do this as a hobby. Again, this is all we do and we are professionals at what we do. Contact us anytime if you have any questions regarding our services or support.  Please allow us 24 hours to process your order or reply your message as there is a daily queue.  We value your order and your patronage and will try to get back to you as fast as we can.

Should I change my mind can I upgrade my packages?

Yes absolutely!  Simply respond to our welcome/confirmation email from our customer service representative and arrange to pay for the difference and you are set.

Do you guarantee that I will generate more sales?

No. We do not guarantee anyone that they will generate more sales. However, we do guarantee delivery of the full amount of web traffic service that you have purchased or we will refund you prorated. In such rare case that we cannot complete the full delivery of service within specified time, we can either refund you or continue your service delivery until the web traffic service is complete. You have the choice to make that decision.

*Please note that sales on a website will depend on many factors including the website product, content, load time, layout, product pricing, presentation, service and more factors. We will provide the service of sending visitors to your website, your job is to generate these visitors into customers and we’ll do our best to achieve that. We recommend that (if possible) that you generate a special ad page for your web traffic campaign (instead of sending them to your websites main page) that may include a super special, an outstanding product or top seller, weekly special or one time offer. Consider a web traffic campaign like a newspaper or billboard ad when you drive by on the highway, you have to get them interested to stay and make that purchase within seconds.

How long will it take to get my visitors ?

When you purchase a package, we will start your campaign within 24 hours. Once started, visitors will come to your site. As these are genuine visitors, some days you will get more hits than others. However, we guarantee that you will get the number of hits promised within the number of days specified on our sales page for Organic Traffic or according to the rate of visits you specified for Premium Targeted Traffic. For our traffic campaigns we will supply you with your own personalized Cpanel to allow you to track the progress of your visits.

If you do not receive your confirmation email within 24 hours of order, it is possible that (a) Paypal did not send us your payment notification, (b) our email to you has landed in your spam box due to over-zealous spam filters; in any case – please contact us at info@innovalist.com

Do you offer stats so that I can keep track of how many visits I am getting?

Yes! – all campaigns come with FREE LIVE STATS so you can keep track of our progress during your campaign! Before your campaign starts, you will receive an email with a username to login. Please save this email for reference and future use or print it out. Some campaigns will allow you to split and pause your campaign and some won’t depending on the availability and source of traffic.

For your Organic Web Traffic, why are the rate of visits so low – how can you deliver my ordered package within the estimated number of weeks?

For Organic Web Traffic – visits per day starts slow and increases gradually – it is not calculated simply by daily rate = total ordered / estimated days. Your campaign should complete within the estimated weeks but may be faster or slower depending on the prevailing human traffic we receive.

Why is the Duration specified as 365 for your Organic Web Traffic?

It is just the default setting. Your campaign should complete within the estimated time frame. Note that the estimated weeks are based on the average and must not be taken as the absolute measure – we absolutely guarantee that we will deliver your web traffic completely but will not be liable if the delivery time is delayed by a few weeks.

For your Premium Target Traffic, why do I see that the traffic comes in spurts?

We have huge volumes for our Premium Targeted Traffic especially for USA. The way the traffic server works is that everyday around a certain time it will direct visitors to your website and then when your specified daily limit is reached it directs that traffic to other campaigns. The net effect is not unlike the turning on and off of a tap.

Why do I have visits at night – and for Premium Targeted Traffic sometimes at night only?

As mentioned above, your Premium Targeted Traffic is sent in torrents like water from a tap. Your campaign is sharing the same traffic server with hundreds of other campaigns and your campaign from time to time may be allocated a slot which is night-time. Yes – people surf at all hours of the day, most serious shopping, entertainment, social activities and surfing are done at night even way past midnight.

Is the price one time (Per campaign) or Monthly?

All prices are for one campaign only there is no monthly fees or payments, however you can purchase traffic as often as you like.

Why doesn’t my hit counter match up 100% with your stats?

There are many reasons that a visitor will not register with your server.

1. A user immediately cancels out the window before your site loads
2. The user is on a slow connection and your tracking software times out as a result
3. The user’s ISP or browser saved a previous version of your site and served the new request from the cache instead of from your server
4. Your site was unavailable (down) at the time of request
5. Your tracking software could not handle multiple concurrent request.
6. The visitor who came 24 hours ago have visited your website again and your stat counter did not count it as unique hit.

Google Analytics are generally not good for tracking paid traffic – period. Feedback from customers tell us that GA tracks only about 10%-30% of the traffic sent. If you want to make sure you received the quantity (and origins) of visitors then www.statcounter.com www.extremetracking.com or Raw Server Logs are the most accurate method for traffic comparison.

Please note that per according to our Terms, only our Cpanel statistics be used as final counter of the number of visitors to your website.

Why do I detect very high bounce rates? Is this normal?

This is the nature of expired domain traffic.  Our visitors click on an expired domain and are redirected instantaneously to your website.  They are not expecting your website and most will attempt to exit thinking that they are in the wrong place. If your website has strong headlines, compelling graphics or images, quality content, great products/services and promotions – you should be able to attract many of these visitors to stay, click and buy.  Think of us as a shopping mall – we send truckloads of visitors through the aisles.  For your shop (aka your website) to have business – you need to have a great signboard, decorations, products, promotions to attract visitors to stop and buy.  For our many repeat customers – it is highly profitable compared to ads and PPCS which can cost $20.00 per visitor whereas we charge as low as $0.00056 per visitor; meaning that the sheer volume gives you a good chance to secure profitable sales and click-throughs even though the bounce rate is high.

Can I send traffic to Clickbank/Peerfly, affiliate and CPA offer sites?

Clickbank/Peerfly/CPA offer and many such URLs are redirecting. We need to let us use the final URL (i.e. the one with the hop) for Organic (untargeted) Traffic which does not allow redirecting URLs. However our Targeted Traffic can take redirecting URLs.

Clickbank landing pages usually have video or sound. Clickbank websites also usually have pop-ups, especially exit prompts. Please check the existence of exit prompts by opening that landing page and then exiting to see if anything pops-up.  Our Premium Targeted and not Organic Traffic can tolerate videos/sounds and pop-ups (only 1 max pop-up because our visitors will complain if there are more).

You can purchase traffic as an affiliate for sponsor websites, affiliate networks, CPA offers, etc. All you need to do is provide us your affiliate link as the campaign URL.

IMPORTANT: If you are promoting an affiliate / CPA Offer URL – please make sure you inform your Affiliate Manager of the affiliate network to inform that that you are using Paid Traffic.  Some affiliate networks do not accept Paid Traffic and that may result in suspension unless prior permission has been given.  As per our Terms, we will not be responsible for any possible suspension or loss of accounts due to direct or indirect use of our services.

Is paid traffic allowed by Google Adsense?

We will let Adsense answer that for themselves.  The answer is YES.  Here is an excerpt of what they say (see http://support.google.com/adsense/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1348722):